Total Vacuum писал(а):
А вообще на данный момент под рукой только платы со Spartan-3 имеются, так что буду тренироваться на том, что есть...

Изначально проект пpоцессора J1 появился в авторской реализации Gameduino 1 на XC3S200A
У меня
такая плата Gameduino 1 (без распаянной микросхемы памяти)
Она же с распаянной микросхемой памятиВесь полный проект по сборки брал
с этого сайта Собирал под Xilinx Ise 14.7
Number used for 32x1 RAMs 372
Number used as Shift registers 70
Number of bonded IOBs 23 68 33%
Number of BUFGMUXs 1 24 4%
Number of DCMs 1 4 25%
Number of ICAPs 1 1 100%
Number of DNA_PORTs 1 1 100%
Number of ICAP_SPARTAN3As 1 1 100%
Number of MULT18X18SIOs 7 16 43%
Number of RAMB16BWEs 16 16 100%
Average Fanout of Non-Clock Nets 3.77
Performance Summary [-]
Final Timing Score: 0 (Setup: 0, Hold: 0, Component Switching Limit: 0) Pinout Data: Pinout Report
Routing Results: All Signals Completely Routed Clock Data: Clock Report
Timing Constraints: All Constraints Met
Detailed Reports [-]
Report Name Status Generated Errors Warnings Infos
Synthesis Report
Translation Report Current Ñð 4. äåê 02:02:24 2019 0 0 2 Infos (0 new)
Map Report Current Ñð 4. äåê 02:02:32 2019 0 21 Warnings (0 new) 5 Infos (0 new)
Place and Route Report Current Ñð 4. äåê 02:03:16 2019 0 0 0
Power Report
Post-PAR Static Timing Report Current Ñð 4. äåê 02:03:25 2019 0 0 5 Infos (0 new)
Bitgen Report
Secondary Reports [-]
Report Name Status Generated
All Implementation Messages Ïò 19. èþí 18:34:52 2020
Program All Implementation Messages - Errors, Warnings, and Infos New
map WARNING Pack:266 - The function generator occ/ramx[2].ramx/r6 failed to merge with F5 multiplexer occ/ramx[2].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_3_f5. The function generator occ/ramx[2].ramx/r6 is unable to be placed in the G position because the output signal doesn't match other symbols' use of the G signal. The signal occ/ramx[2].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_5 already uses G. The design will exhibit suboptimal timing.
map WARNING Pack:266 - The function generator occ/ramx[8].ramx/r6 failed to merge with F5 multiplexer occ/ramx[8].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_3_f5. The function generator occ/ramx[8].ramx/r6 is unable to be placed in the G position because the output signal doesn't match other symbols' use of the G signal. The signal occ/ramx[8].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_5 already uses G. The design will exhibit suboptimal timing.
map WARNING Pack:266 - The function generator occ/ramx[3].ramx/r6 failed to merge with F5 multiplexer occ/ramx[3].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_3_f5. The function generator occ/ramx[3].ramx/r6 is unable to be placed in the G position because the output signal doesn't match other symbols' use of the G signal. The signal occ/ramx[3].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_5 already uses G. The design will exhibit suboptimal timing.
map WARNING Pack:266 - The function generator occ/ramx[4].ramx/r6 failed to merge with F5 multiplexer occ/ramx[4].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_3_f5. The function generator occ/ramx[4].ramx/r6 is unable to be placed in the G position because the output signal doesn't match other symbols' use of the G signal. The signal occ/ramx[4].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_5 already uses G. The design will exhibit suboptimal timing.
map WARNING Pack:266 - The function generator occ/ramx[5].ramx/r6 failed to merge with F5 multiplexer occ/ramx[5].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_3_f5. The function generator occ/ramx[5].ramx/r6 is unable to be placed in the G position because the output signal doesn't match other symbols' use of the G signal. The signal occ/ramx[5].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_5 already uses G. The design will exhibit suboptimal timing.
map WARNING Pack:266 - The function generator occ/ramx[0].ramx/r6 failed to merge with F5 multiplexer occ/ramx[0].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_3_f5. The function generator occ/ramx[0].ramx/r6 is unable to be placed in the G position because the output signal doesn't match other symbols' use of the G signal. The signal occ/ramx[0].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_5 already uses G. The design will exhibit suboptimal timing.
map WARNING Pack:266 - The function generator occ/ramx[6].ramx/r6 failed to merge with F5 multiplexer occ/ramx[6].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_3_f5. The function generator occ/ramx[6].ramx/r6 is unable to be placed in the G position because the output signal doesn't match other symbols' use of the G signal. The signal occ/ramx[6].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_5 already uses G. The design will exhibit suboptimal timing.
map WARNING Pack:266 - The function generator occ/ramx[1].ramx/r6 failed to merge with F5 multiplexer occ/ramx[1].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_3_f5. The function generator occ/ramx[1].ramx/r6 is unable to be placed in the G position because the output signal doesn't match other symbols' use of the G signal. The signal occ/ramx[1].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_5 already uses G. The design will exhibit suboptimal timing.
map WARNING Pack:266 - The function generator occ/ramx[7].ramx/r6 failed to merge with F5 multiplexer occ/ramx[7].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_3_f5. The function generator occ/ramx[7].ramx/r6 is unable to be placed in the G position because the output signal doesn't match other symbols' use of the G signal. The signal occ/ramx[7].ramx/Mmux__COND_109_5 already uses G. The design will exhibit suboptimal timing.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:372 - Gated clock. Clock net local_j1_read_not0001 is sourced by a combinatorial pin. This is not good design practice. Use the CE pin to control the loading of data into the flip-flop.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:372 - Gated clock. Clock net mem_data_rd_reg_or0000 is sourced by a combinatorial pin. This is not good design practice. Use the CE pin to control the loading of data into the flip-flop.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:812 - Dangling pin on block::.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:812 - Dangling pin on block::.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:812 - Dangling pin on block::.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:812 - Dangling pin on block::.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:812 - Dangling pin on block::.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:812 - Dangling pin on block::.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:812 - Dangling pin on block::.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:812 - Dangling pin on block::.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:812 - Dangling pin on block::.
map WARNING PhysDesignRules:812 - Dangling pin on block::.
ngdbuild INFO ConstraintSystem:178 - TNM 'CLKA', used in period specification 'TS_clk', was traced into DCM_SP instance DCM_SP. The following new TNM groups and period specifications were generated at the DCM_SP output(s): CLKFX:
ngdbuild INFO NgdBuild:1222 - Setting CLKIN_PERIOD attribute associated with DCM instance DCM_SP to 40.000000 ns based on the period specification ( [top.ucf(74)]).
map INFO LIT:243 - Logical network j/Mram_dstack10/SPO has no load.
map INFO LIT:395 - The above info message is repeated 79 more times for the following (max. 5 shown): j/Mram_dstack11/SPO, j/Mram_dstack12/SPO, j/Mram_dstack13/SPO, j/Mram_dstack14/SPO, j/Mram_dstack15/SPO To see the details of these info messages, please use the -detail switch.
map INFO MapLib:562 - No environment variables are currently set.
map INFO LIT:244 - All of the single ended outputs in this design are using slew rate limited output drivers. The delay on speed critical single ended outputs can be dramatically reduced by designating them as fast outputs.
map INFO PhysDesignRules:772 - To achieve optimal frequency synthesis performance with the CLKFX and CLKFX180 outputs of the DCM comp vga_ck_gen/DCM_inst/DCM_SP, consult the device Interactive Data Sheet.
trce INFO Timing:3412 - To improve timing, see the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).
trce INFO Timing:2752 - To get complete path coverage, use the unconstrained paths option. All paths that are not constrained will be reported in the unconstrained paths section(s) of the report.
trce INFO Timing:3339 - The clock-to-out numbers in this timing report are based on a 50 Ohm transmission line loading model. For the details of this model, and for more information on accounting for different loading conditions, please see the device datasheet.
trce INFO Timing:3390 - This architecture does not support a default System Jitter value, please add SYSTEM_JITTER constraint to the UCF to modify the Clock Uncertainty calculation.
trce INFO Timing:3389 - This architecture does not support 'Discrete Jitter' and 'Phase Error' calculations, these terms will be zero in the Clock Uncertainty calculation. Please make appropriate modification to SYSTEM_JITTER to account for the unsupported Discrete Jitter and Phase Error.
P.S. Проект в плату после его пересборки в плату не заливал т.к. не подключил к загрузчику с платы Digilent, но примеры с Gameduino 1 повыводил при подключении к Arduino (Genuino 101)
Немного размышлял, что можно улучшить в кодировании команд J1
На Github есть некоторые вариации J1 - J1A, J1B.
Реализация на VHDL системы на чипе (SoC), основанной на J1 —
полноценный Форт-компьютер, разработанный Richard Howe: Цитата:
Целевая FPGA — Spartan 6 — плата для разработки Nexys 3.
Авторский форт
SwapForth Джеймса Боумэна (автора Gameduino 1)
В последней своей разработке Gameduino Dazzler с этим процессором J1 в FPGA для связки с FTDI 3D оставлен.
UPduino (v1, v2) FPGA board with Mecrisp-Ice Forth ICE40UP5K ~5-6$)
система команд может чем то отличаться от SwapForth
Mecrisp-Ice 1.2
words falog f** flog fln (log) fraction integer> >integer lbase epsilon fexp ^fraction
^integer (!) d>u d0< fpow fatan2 facos fasin (fasin) fatan dom2|3 dom3 dom2 (fatan) (taylor2)
2degrees ftan fsincos fcos fsin >range -taylor +taylor (taylor) >taylor rad>deg deg>rad e pi
F# (f#) _f# F.S fd abort" FVARIABLE FCONSTANT >FLOAT -trailing flfrac flexp flint fdigit? flgood
fsign FSQRT d< FE. FS. (E.) R. F. (F.) fsplit F~ F/ F* FMAX FMIN FROUND FLOOR F= F< F- F+ tneg
ftemp' expx2 expx1 m1sto m1get fmove 'e2 'e1 'm3 'm2 'm1 longdiv *norm lstemp t+ t2/ t2* sign>exp
exp>sign frshift ud2/ d2/ du< ferror &esign &sign &unsign mxdig bicl ftemp fstak fsp digits -byfp
byfp fpmxst see seec disasm-step memstamp alu. name. disasm-cont disasm-$ insight .s dump new
cornerstone save erase spiwe waitspi m*/ t/ t* 2r@ 2r> 2>r tnegate 2constant 2variable timer1 random
randombit tickshh ticksh ticksl now ms endcase endof of case s" within pad unused ." mod / /mod move
u.r .r d.r rtype u. . d. ud. (d.) #> #s # sign hold <# hld BUF BUF0 pick roll spaces */ */mod fm/mod
sm/rem sgn constant variable m* >body create repeat while else <= >= u<= u>= ( [char] ['] eint? dint
eint load spi> >spi spix idle xor! bic! bis! quit evaluate refill accept number \ char ' postpone
literal abort rdrop r@ r> >r hex binary decimal unloop j i +loop loop ?do leave do recurse does>
until again begin then if ahead ; exit :noname : ] [ immediate foldable sliteral s, compile, c, ,
allot parse parse-name source 2! 2@ cmove> cmove fill sfind align aligned words here tib init forth
>in base state /string type count .x .x2 bl cr space c! c@ emit key key? emit? um/mod * um* d2* d0=
m+ s>d dabs d- dnegate d+ depth io@ io! nip over dup swap u< < = invert not or and xor - + ! 2/ 2*
cells abs bounds umax umin max min 2over 2swap +! 2dup ?dup 2drop tuck -rot rot true false drop u>
0> 0< > 0<> <> cell+ 0= rdepth @ 1- negate 1+ arshift rshift lshift execute ok.
here . 11828 ok.
unused . 3532 ok.
pi fs. 3.141593e0 ok.
pi f# 1.23456e-775 f/ fs. 2.544706e775 ok.
Сама плата: